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Myflowers.Online will be present in IFTF2022 !

«There’s a lot going on behind the scenes in the flower industry that directly affects your wallet.Why does something you could just pluck out of the ground cost so much? Why does something you could just pluck out of the ground cost so much?

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«Why are the flowers so expensive ?»

«There’s a lot going on behind the scenes in the flower industry that directly affects your wallet.Why does something you could just pluck out of the ground cost so much? Why does something you could just pluck out of the ground cost so much?

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Visiting growers in Bogotá, Colombia

One thing firms have started to realize is that there’s no bottom. There’s always going to be a firm willing to pay more. I have been hearing across a lot of different firms that they anticipate that bonuses are going to be higher than they have been in the past.

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Fairtrade, a compromise with our society

One thing firms have started to realize is that there’s no bottom. There’s always going to be a firm willing to pay more. I have been hearing across a lot of different firms that they anticipate that bonuses are going to be higher than they have been in the past.

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As a buyer, how to create an account?

One thing firms have started to realize is that there’s no bottom. There’s always going to be a firm willing to pay more. I have been hearing across a lot of different firms that they anticipate that bonuses are going to be higher than they have been in the past.

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